PUBLICATIONS [ Link to Google Scholar Profile ]
K.Y.Choi, T.Jung, N.Harasha, H.Ishii, Picto: Crafting Remote Tangible Gestures via Recordable, Replayable, and Shareable Motions, ACM TEI’25
A. Lapedriza, J. Albo-Canals, N. Elhaouij, J. Lee, J. Hernandez, J. Amores, K.Y. Choi, C.J. Molina, L. Lahuerta, N. Gonzalez, M.V. Fernandez, M.A. Soler, S.F. Quartino, A. Ballesteros, R.W. Picard, Deploying a Robotic Ride-on Car in the Hospital to Reduce the Stress of Pediatric Patients before Surgery, ACM HRI LBR 2024
A.Jain*, K. Y. Choi*, H. Ishii, P.Maes, Modulating Interoceptive Signals for Influencing the Conscious Experience, ACM CHI’EA 2023
K. Y. Choi, H. Ishii, The Stranger - .... . ... - .-. .- -. –. . .-. , ACM DIS’23
K. Y. Choi, N. Elhaouij, J. Lee, R. W. Picard, H. Ishii, "Design and Evaluation of a Clippable and Personalizable Pneumatic-haptic Feedback Device for Breathing Guidance", ACM IMWUT, March 2022
K. Y. Choi, J. Lee, N. Elhaouij, R. W. Picard, H. Ishii, "aSpire: Clippable, Mobile Pneumatic-Haptic Device for Breathing Rate Regulation via Personalizable Tactile Feedback", ACM CHI EA, 2021
K. Y. Choi, H. Ishii, "Therms-Up!: DIY Inflatables and Interactive Materials by Upcycling Wasted Thermoplastic Bags", Work-in-progress, ACM TEI, 2021
T. Yoshida, J. Ogawa, K. Y. Choi, S. Bushnaq, K. Nakagaki, and H.Ishii. "InDepth: Force-based Interaction with Objects beyond A Physical Barrier". ACM TEI, 2021
K. Y. Choi, H. Ishii, "ambienBeat: Wrist-worn Mobile Tactile Biofeedback for Heart Rate Rhythmic Regulation", ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interactions (TEI) 2020 [DOI]
K. Y. Choi, V. Sumini, H. Ishii,"reSpire: Self-awareness and Interpersonal Connectedness through Shape-changing Fabric Display", ACM Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition (C&C) 2019 [DOI]
K. Y. Choi, H. Ishii, "Bubble Talk: Open-source Interactive Art Toolkit for Metaphor of Modern Digital Chat", Arts Track Exhibition, ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interactions (TEI) 2019 [DOI]
F. Tasnim, A. Sadraei, B. Datta, M. Khan, K. Y. Choi, A. Sahasrabudhe, T. A. V. Gálvez, I. Wicaksono, O. Rosello, C. Nunez-Lopez, C. Dagdeviren, "Towards personalized medicine: the evolution of imperceptible health-care technologies", [Outstanding paper award], Foresight, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018 [pdf]
K. Y. Choi, K. Nakagaki, H. Ishii, "reMi: Translating Ambient Sounds of Moment into Tangible and Shareable Memories through Animated Paper" Poster presentation, ACM Conference on User Interface Software and Technology Symposium (UIST) 2018 [DOI]
K. Y. Choi, A. Akhtar, T. Bretl, "A compliant four-bar linkage mechanism that makes the fingers of a prosthetic hand more impact resistant", in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, May. 2017 [pdf]
K. Y. Choi, T. Bretl, "Emot: Soft Social Robot", workshop on 'Innovative Haptic Interfaces emerging from Soft Robotics' at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, May. 2017 [Poster]
K. Y. Choi, A. Akhtar, T. Bretl, "Multidirectional High Impact Resistant Compliant Four-bar Linkage Mechanism for a Prosthetic Hand", workshop on 'Evaluation and Benchmarking or Underactuated and Soft Robotic Hands' at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Oct. 2016 [Poster] [pdf]
A. Akhtar, K. Y. Choi, M. Fatina, J. Cornman, E. Wu, J. Sombeck, C. Yim, P. Slade, J. Lee, J. Moore, D. Gonzales, A. Wu, G. Anderson, D. Rotter, C. Shin, and T. Bretl, “A low-cost, open-source, compliant hand for enabling sensorimotor control for people with transradial amputations,” in International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, Aug. 2016. [Poster], [pdf]
G.N. Kim, J.P. Park, K. Y. Choi, J.P Lee, S. Y. Park. "CubeSat Structure Design and Lunch Environmental Test for CANYVAL-X Mission", The Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences (KSAS), Korea, 2016
K. Y. Choi, G.N Kim, J.P Lee, Sang-Young Park, "CubeSat Structure Design and Structural Analysis for CANYVAL-X Mission", Proceedings of The Korea Space Science Society, Oct. 2014 [pdf]
J. Myung, H. Lee, K. Y. Choi, S.H. Lee, "A Development of the Intra-Op Process Recorder", The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013
K. Y. Choi, H. Ishii, Methods and Apparatus for Wrist-Worn Tactile Biofeedback for Heart Rate Regulation, Filed for provisional patent application, 2020
K.Y. Choi, J. Lee, N. Elhaouij, R. W. Picard, H. Ishii, Methods and Apparatus for Pneumatic-Tactile Feedback for Breathing Control, Filed for provisional patent application, 2020
A. Akhtar, T. Bretl, K. Y. Choi, Compliant four-bar linkage mechanism for a robotic finger, Application # 16397457, U.S [URL]
K. Y. Choi, B.M Choi, H.W Hong, J.H Ji, Y.W Kim, Underwater Mobile Robot for Aquarium, Application Serial No. 10-2013-0137791, Korea [URL]
K. Y. Choi, Tactile Sensing Device, Application Serial No. 10-2013-0100106, Korea [URL]
20 Korean women engineers (including K.Y.Choi), Women engineers who change the world. Vol.16, Women in Science, Engineering and Technology in Korea (ISBN 9791167520647(1167520645)) 2021, Published in Korea
K. Y. Choi, The 220-days on the Other Sides of the Earth: I Just Left, Knowledge Nomad Publishing Company. (ISBN 978-89-93322-53-8 03810), Published in Korea. [Link]
• Program Committee for the pictorials track of ACM TEI 2022-25.
• Reviewed Peer-reviewed Conferences:
MEC Symposium ’17, IEEE BioRob’18, IEEE IROS’18, MEC Symposium’20, ACM UIST ’20, 24, ACM TEI ’20-25, ACM CHI’20, ’21, ’23, ’24, ACM SIGGRAPH’21, ACM DIS’22, ’23
• Reviewed Journal Papers:
ACM IMWUT ’21, ‘23, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing ’21, Int. Journal of Human-Computer Interaction’20, Applied Ergonomics’24
Guest Speaker, ‘Beyond the Screen: Connected Experiences and Immersive Human-computer Interaction through Tangible User Interface’, Graduate School Seminar, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei Univ. Sept. 2024
Keynote Speech, Kia Future Design Team, Hyundai Motor Group, Sept. 2024
Keynote Speech, MIT Nord Anglia Collaboration, MIT Museum, Jun. 2024
Guest Lecturer, HCI Seminar, Dept. of Computer Science, Purdue Univ., Apr. 2024
Guest Speaker, Graduate Seminar, Dept of Industrial Design, KAIST, Korea, Mar. 2024
Keynote Speech, THE ART OF CRAFT AND PLAY: between art and engineering, ZER01NE CODEX, Seoul, Korea, Jan.2024
Guest Speaker, Responsive Shape-changing Car Seat, Hyundai UX Tech Day, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 2022
Guest Speaker, ‘From Imagination to Reality’, MIT Abstracts, Dec. 2021
Guest Lecturer, MAS.834 Tangible Interfaces Class, MIT Media Lab, Nov. 2021
‘HCI: Different Methods of Human and Computer Interaction and Communication’ Guest Lecturer, YCS1001 Information and Technology Class, Dept. of Computer Science, Yonsei Univ. June 2021
Guest Lecturer, MAS.834 Tangible Interfaces Class, MIT Media Lab. Nov. 2020
‘Create My Own Story’, Keynote Speech, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei Univ. June 2015
'Coming back with inspirations', Hong-sung Library, Korea, April 2014
‘Different World from the Other Side of the Earth’, Keynote Speech, Samsung Electronics Dream Concert, October 2013 [Link]
‘The Life full of Challenges’, Keynote Speech, Ewha Womans University Students Festival, May 2013
‘Find What Makes Your Heart Beat!’, Keynote Speech, The Korea Expressway Corporation, April 2013
‘The Other Side of the Earth’, Keynote Speech, BU Ultrasound Clinical Product Division Healthcare Sector, Siemens, March 2013