Days of My Heartbeat: Data-Driven Art
This work was part of a MIT Media Lab course, Data-driven Art (Spring 2021),
taught by Prof.Zach Lieberman.
Through this artwork I explored a way to use physiological data as an artistic material. I collected my heartrate via a smartwatch over 8 days and visualized it in 3 different ways: 1) 2D image, 2) 3D digital sculpture, 3) 3D creature.

2D visualization
Each image represents my heartrate variation of one day starting from 0:00:00 to 23:59:59, and each visualize different days. I also explored a way to present in different layout and compositions.


6 days in a strip
2D animation

3D sculpture iteration process

3D creatures

Mapping method

Fitbit Inspire 2 fitness tracker, P5.js
I tried to export my daily-basis heart rate data from Fitbit Inspire2 (sampling rate 1/60Hz, 0:00:00 - 23:59:59),

But it didn’t work well, so I used a third-party API to export my HR data using my Fitbit account

Through this, finally I got this CSV file! 👉👉
and I found that my min HR never goes below than 40 bpm and max HR never goes above than 177. (based on the data got from 8 days)

Heart rate (HR) mapped into 0-255 range for RGB Color coding

and then HR data from each date was mapped to R, G, B